Sunday, September 14, 2014

Succulents Have Arrived and Some Care Advice.

Succulents & Care

Succulents, Succulents and more Succulents and there is more to come!!!


You now have your succulents now what? or are you thinking about getting them and not sure if they are the right fit for you. Read on for lots of info.

The Basics; Plant in well-drained soil, give bright light, protect from frost, keep warm and on the dry side, fertilize minimally, provide good air circulation.

Each plant is a little different. I have tried to provide a brief description with every plant we have listed in our Etsy Store. However succulents are some of the simplest plants to grow. Succulents have remarkable survival skills. If you have ever taken a cutting and been to busy to plant them, most likely you have come back to them weeks and even months later and they look pretty much the same. Succulents have even been known to revive after being neglected for several months shrivel up and only to be watered and nurtured to a plump state again. 

Care for succulents will change from person to person as well. Forget to water them, and they will adjust. Give them too much, and they will be fine unless waterlogged. Some people simply water them once a week in summer and once a month in winter, and do not bother to fertilizer at all. 

Consider suggestions for care an cultivation in light of your own region, growing conditions , and plants. Then apply common sense based on observation. 


Protect your Succulent from hot, scorching sun. As a general rule, succulents do not need more than three or four hours of direct sun daily. During high growth times succulents need more light. When they are in their dormant time less light is needed. Very few succulents thrive in full shade. Exceptions include haworthias and sansevierias. - but even those do best when given these ideal conditions for all succulents; several hours of early morning and or late afternoon sun and filtered sun or bright shade during the hottest part of the day. During hot summer days if your succulent is on a window sill make sure its far enough away or sheltered by a sheer curtain to avoid the glass magnifying the sun on your plant. During winter make your plant is not right next to a cold window. Rotate plants to avoid lopsided growth. 

Potting and Repotting

Succulents can be planted or repotted at anytime, when they are emerging from dormancy is ideal. Fresh soil and a roomier container is best for optimal growth. With a new pot make sure it has drainage at the bottom. Put pebbles or a paper towel at the bottom to avoid soil seeping out when you water your plant. Do not skimp on soil; plants that sit too low in its pot will appear to be hiding. On the other hand do not position a plant so high that it looks like it is going to fall out. Water thoroughly to settle soil then add top dressing. 

Soil and Watering

Succulents do best in a well-aerated potting mix that allows water to penetrate easily and drain rapidly, and that is not prone to compaction. Avoid using garden soil and soilless potting mixes sold at nurseries as this has a high percentage of peat. Peat efficiently retains moisture but when bone dry shrinks and repels water. 
Depending on your area and the minerals in the water, salts may build up in the soil, which can cause succulents to yellow and grow sluggishly or not at all, and which may lower their resistance to pests and diseases. To flush soil of accumulated salts, water thoroughly each time until it flows through the bottom of the pot. 
If you are a newcomer to succulents but are adept at gardening in containers, you may find it difficult to refrain from watering succulents as much as your other plants. After all, many common house plants-such as ferns-may suffer if not drenched several times weekly. But the larger the succulent and the fatter its leaves, the longer it can, and should go without water. Good rule of thumb when watering succulents is "when in doubt, don't" keep in mind that roots that go bone dry will die. Keep soil about as moist as a wrung-out sponge. 
Many succulents will indicate by their appearance if they need water;learn to read the plant for telltale signs such as shriveling, and leaves that lose their sheen. If soil has pulled away from the inside of the pot or a chopstick inserted in the soil comes out dry, it is time to water.
Actively growing succulents should be watered anywhere form once a week to once a month, depending on the type of plant, the size of the container, the type of pot, and the weather. Gradually reduce the amount of water your succulents receive as their growth slows and their dormant period approaches, unless you will keep the plants at a temperature of 60 degrees F or higher. The warmer they are, the more water they will need. The colder the plant the less water it will need. 
Rainwater is acidic and therefore excellent for potted succulents.

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